Northern Fabric Turns 2! - How it all started...

Northern Fabric Turns 2! - How it all started...

Hi there!

I wanted to take the time to reach out and introduce myself again seeing as there's many new members that have joined our incredible community here at Northern Fabric!

My name is Allyson Beland. I am the mother to two incredible little blessings, and the wife of true 10/10 husband. When I am not chasing after my munchkins, I am either drawing on my iPad, sewing, pattern testing or simply doing the other million things that pile up on the to do list :P 

I am so excited to see the progress that we have made together here at Northern as a community, with partnerships, mentorships and also as creative and talented individuals! Most of all, I can say first hand, the amount of support I have from all of you, and the support you've given to one another is by far more than I could ever have imagined back in May of 2021 when this all came about.

Let's start from the beginning. Like most of you, I started with a passion to create things for myself and my children. I always have the  desire to grow my skills when it comes to being creative. I went from making bibs for my infant son, to my own maternity gowns for my second pregnancy, most of the wardrobe for my children, to my new learning curve, zippers and bag making  (slowly but surely) :P

Personally, my favourite part was always hunting down fabric prints, and searching high and low for unique prints. I eventually went on to learning to design my own prints and sourced out a fabric quality that I could fall in love with. Once I had solidified my printer, and purchased or made prints and designs that inspired me (I also handprinted some) , I started by calling out for a few testers of my new fun and exciting adventure!

 I was incredibly blessed to have found such a wonderful group of strike sewists, some who have come and gone, and some who have been here since day one. These individuals were not only the most supportive or talented and creative people, they soon became friends, and part of my family. I truly would not have had such a successful first 2 years of business without them, or without you.

My customers have been the most incredible, I am truly so blessed, I have learned so much, grown as a person and as a community thanks to all of you! 


Cheers to 2 years officially! I cannot wait to see what the future has to offer Northern Fabric and our fam, but I am sure that it's going to be amazing, because it's filled with such amazing people <3

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